01582 726096


   Unit 7 Apex Park, LU7 3RE

  01582 726096
   Unit 7 Apex Park, LU7 3RE

Health and Safety


LTM Design Ltd is a multi-disciplinary contractor operating in the United Kingdom. Health and Safety is a core value which will be set in context with all other business objectives, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all LTM Design Ltd employees and others who may be affected by the company’s activities. This statement of policy, and the organisation and arrangements for its implementation, has been prepared to comply with section 2(3) of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Further arrangements for its implementation are detailed within LTM Design Ltd company processes, procedures, and site management plans. The company will treat the need to prevent accidents, injuries and ill health to employees and others affected by its work as a top priority. In doing so, it will ensure priority is given to the assessment of risk, health and safety planning, and to providing proper information, instruction, training and supervision in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions and industry best practice.

The Senior Management of LTM Design Ltd is committed to the review and improvement of health and safety performance, including implementing new guidelines and requirements in its endeavour to achieve industry best practice. LTM Design Ltd will establish and review quantifiable objectives and targets according to the nature of our activities, business and other legal requirements, to ensure continual improvement in both our safety management systems and our performance.

Adequate resources, commitment and the participation of all employees will ensure the continuation and development of a positive health and safety culture. LTM Design Ltd’ policy is to take all reasonable steps to prevent work related accidents and ill-health, and to support the general health and well-being of its employees.

To implement this policy, LTM Design Ltd will:

• Always put health and safety first

• Make sure that the causes of accidents and ill-health that may arise from its activities are, wherever possible, identified, understood, and either prevented or controlled

• Manage health problems through early problem recognition and monitoring

• Manage return to work after sickness certification and, wherever possible, support rehabilitation after prolonged illness.

Provide employees with information and services to help them take personal responsibility for maintaining and improving their own health.

We have behavioural safety programmes within LTM Design Ltd however, it is a fundamental company belief that the creation of a safe workplace is achieved through clear and effective communication at all levels of the organisation. Our Protect our People behavioural safety programme maintains a culture where our employees contribute to safe systems of work through active and open participation.

All employees and others working for LTM Design Ltd are required to comply with this policy. In particular, by cooperating and carrying out activities safely, and in such a manner that does not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse, anything provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare. It is the responsibility of LTM Design Ltd’ management and supervisory staff to ensure that this policy and its arrangements are implemented.

Health & Safety Policy and Practice
Issue 2, January 2021

This policy will be reviewed annually and revised as often as may be deemed appropriate by LTM Design Ltd, and then brought to the attention of all employees. It is accessible to interested parties via the LTM Design Ltd website, in reception areas, or is available on request.

Unit 7 Apex Park
Leighton Buzzard

Company no: 09707173
VAT no: 233194031
T: 01582 726096
E: planning@ltmdesign.co.uk

Unit 7 Apex Park
Leighton Buzzard

Company no: 09707173
VAT no: 233194031
T: 01582 726096
E: planning@ltmdesign.co.uk